Specializing in Commercial Appraisal Services For Direct Lenders, Porfolio Lenders, Hard Money Lenders, SBA, Banks, Fed. Non-QM, Institutional, Court Probate, Insurance, Market Sale, Insolvency, Business Valuation, Land Bankers & Retail Direct to Client with Authority to Assign to Multiple Lenders for up to 6 Months.
Assisted Living, Skilled Care Facility, Nursing Home, Automobile Dealership, Automobile Repair, Land,
Gas Station, Banquet Reception Hall, Motel or Inn,
Bed & Breakfast, Financial or Bank Building, Commercial Condo Office or Retail, Grocery Store, Convention Center, Day Care, Dry Cleaner, Strip Mall
Funeral Home or Cemetery, Hospital Rehab Center, Hotel or Resort, Medical Facility or clinic, Theatre, Office Building High Rise, Office Building, Mixed-Use
Parking Facility, Restaurant, Bar or Nightclub,
Retail Single Tenant or Free Standing, Self-Storage, Shopping Center, Sustainable Green Buildings or
Special Purpose
Aquarium, Bowling Alley, Brewery,
Broadcasting Facility, Car Wash,
Conservation or Easement, Data,
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landfill,
Lumber Mill, Lumber Yard, Mixed,
Natural Resources, Outdoor Signs,
Private Education, Quarry or Mine,
Racetrack, Right of Way Corridor,
Shipyard, Stockyard, Telco Hotels,
Tower Antenna, Utilities, Winery,
River Treaffice Terminal, Airport,
Ag Processing Mills Feed Ethanol etc, Aquacultur, All Crop, Dairy, Factory,
Vineyard Not Planted, Ag Facility,
Grove or Orchard, Livestock, Ranch, Pasture or Range, Planted Land All,
Industrial Heavy Manufacturing, Food or Cannery,
Industrial Large or Small Offce, Industrial Warehouse,
Industrial Light Manufacturing, Large or Mid Storage,
Research Lab, Hi-Tech Bioengineering, Tank Farm
Industrial Machinery UCC Filings, Distribution, Land,
Gas Storage, Petroleum Distribution or Storage
Mixed-Use All Types, Tele Communications Facility,
Truck Terminal, Transit Facility, Hub Transport
If Not Listed Above Click Here: Industrial General
Multi-Family (5+Units) or Apartment Building, Co-op
Mixed Use Residential / Commercial, Historical,
Condo or Townhouse Project, Low Income Housing,
Hobby Farm, Multiple Homes on Same Parcel, Dome,
Manufactured Housing, Mobile Home Park, Unique,
Amphitheater, Auditorium, Arena, Amusement Park, Aquatic Facility,
Campground, Casino, Golf Course,
Dance Ballroom, Health Fitness Club,
Marina, Yacht Club, Private Club, Tennis,
Please Click On Below Appraisal Business Service To Receive Free Real Time Quote. Or Call 1-800-INC-1721 To Speak To A Commercial Appraisal Expert Now. Free Quote Available Monday - Saturday 8 a.m.- 7 p.m. or Next Business Day.
All Appraisal Work Is Always Within Ensured Compliance with USPAP & MAI Guidelines

Tel: 1-800-INC-1721 order@ApppraisalCommercial.com
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Tel: 1-800-INC-1721
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Tel: 1-800-INC-1721
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533 Airport Blvd, Suite 400 Burlingame, CA 94010
Email: Order@AppraisalCommercial.com
Tel: 1-800-INC-1721
Fax: 1-800-462-1721
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